CAN FD Adapter

Aug. 17, 2020
Canfd Adapt 2 5f3a8dd3c3604

The CAN FD Adapter from Autel is designed to connect to compatible vehicle communication interfaces (VCIs) to enable its tablets to communicate via the CAN FD (flexible data-rate) communications protocol and diagnose the vehicle. Vehicles currently using the CAN FD  protocol include many General Motors and Ford 2019 and 2020 vehicles. Autel’s MX808, MS905, MS906, MS906BT, MS906TS, MS908, MS908S, MS908P, MS908SP, MSELITE, IM508, and IM608 tablets will be able to diagnose CAN-FD equipped vehicles when the adapter is plugged into the VCI directly as in the case of the smaller VCI units or into the OBD-II cable that is connected to the larger VCIs and into the vehicle’s OBD-II port. 

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