Equalizer launches Tools for Techs

Nov. 14, 2019
Nominate a technician to receive a Glass Removal Kit with their choice of removal tool.

This holiday season, Equalizer is launching their Tools for Techs program to go along with their donation to Toys for Tots, to gift a Tech with some extra holiday cheer.

From November 15th to December 15th, Equalizer will be donating a portion of proceeds from the products included in their Glass Removal Kit, No. GRK551, to the Toys for Tots Austin, Texas organization. In addition to Toys for Tots, Equalizer is launching a new Tools for Techs program. Equalizer knows that during this time of year everyone may go through some tough times. Whether it’s illness, loss of a job, or facing many other challenges, there are good people in our community who are just down on their luck. That is why this holiday season, Equalizer would like you to nominate a deserving installer to receive a Glass Removal Kit with their choice of removal tool such as an Equalizer Ambush, BlackHawk, Viper, or Raptor.

Please nominate an honorable technician who is deserving of a special start to the new year by submitting the nomination form at equalizer.com. Deadline for nominees is December 13th.

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